Tha Liberator: What and Why?
Tha Liberator is a new media project born out of equal parts necessity and frustration with the refusal of Black newspaper publishers to innovate and present anything anyone under the age of 65 may want to read.
Media can no longer be a one-size fits all proposition. Outlets can no longer dictate how, where or when people will consume their news. Find your niche, stay in your lane and do what you do!
What Tha Liberator will do is present topical news stories, generally centered around African-American-oriented topics, with classic tabloid flair, combined with news articles, opinion pieces, video, audio, photography, and, at times, a hint of sarcasm. ... In other words, a blog -- but hopefully something much more.
Part blog, part aggregator, but all Black! Tha Liberator: News, by any means necessary!
Our friends:
The HipHop Taliban is all-wise in the ancient art of HipHop and will dispense reviews, thoughts, warnings and sage advice filtered through a HipHop lens!
THEY'RE SHOOTIN'! Americans Against Getting Shot - rallying the anti-gun masses before we catch a stray bullet in the noodle!